Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Waiting For Santa Ensemble -- Digital Download by Stampin’ Up!

MDS is on sale this week and it would be completely insane to pass up the deal.  In addition to $500 of content and an awesome piece of software for $40, there's also these two great downloads this week.  Check them out!

Hanukkah Happiness Ensemble -- Digital Download by Stampin’ Up!

Talk about easy.  This is a quick holiday layout to stick your holiday pics in and be caught up by January

Monday, November 19, 2012

WooHoo!!! Discounts!!!

There's a big sale going on at Stampin Up!  

The Online Extravaganza promotion is our biggest online sale of the year! We want to make it easier for you to get sales during a time when lots of people are doing their holiday shopping, but not necessarily holding Stampin' Up! parties. So during these 10 days only, you and your customers can get incredible discounts-up to 50 percent-on some of your favorite products!

In addition, there will be three products 20 percent off for 24-hours only on both the first and last days of Online Extravaganza-our very own doorbusters! Woot!

Today you can grab simply scored diagonal score plate, a big shot and a doctor's bag for the big shot all at 20% off.  Hurry over, this promo ends at midnight!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Christmas Organizer

Saturday I took a few minutes and made myself a Christmas Organizer out of a composition book and some random paper I had laying around:

I think it came out rather well and it should help keep me some what less frazzled as I navigate December.  I make most of the gifts we give to family and friends and I really need to keep it all together to avoid the last minute bake-a-thon that usually keeps me up all night once or twice during the holiday season.

Friday, November 9, 2012

Here is my inaugural post on my new crafty blog!  Snazzy, right? Maybe not, I haven't done this in a while and the last time I blogged regularly it was to document the hilarity of my sleep deprivation of gestating and then having very tiny (but very loud) twins.  Now the girls are less tiny, but not less loud and I've embarked on a new-ish journey to find my inner Martha.  Turns out I am rather crafty after all!

Here's a quick little anniversary card I made for my dearest darling hubs for our anniversary last month.  If I can get this to post and look reasonable, I will put up some of the fall and thanksgiving themed things I've been working on.

So without further ado, my card:

Oooh! Look! It worked!  and it's super cute.  My photography is a little lacking, but you can't have everything right?  Let's see if I can upload the snazzy envelope I made as well:

Spectacular!  Look at me!  I'm all sorts of smart today!  For my big finale, I will try to get this to crosspost over on my Stampin' Up blog where you can click through to get some of the nifty little tools that I used to make this super fancy looking card in about 5 minutes or less. 

Wish me luck!  and hopefully I'll be back Monday with more crafty goodness at
